Monday, December 13, 2004

TAM Valley

Tam Valley History, random Notes from the History Breakfast.

At one time, they were going to build a hotel at Pine and Shoreline Highway.
There were plans to bury the victims of the James Jones mass suicide in a common burial pit in Tam Valley and charge admission. This got us in the national news.
The San Francisco Chronicle gave out lots in Tam Valley with each newspaper subscription.

The First Half Century of the Tam Valley Improvement Club: Article written by Jack Adams in 1970 about what has happened to Tam Valley and the TVIC in the first fifty years of the TVIC (1921-1970). Historical Dates in Tam Valley: Key dates in the history of Tamalpais Valley, starting in the formation of the TVIC in 1921. Seventy-Five Years Later - What Next? Article written by Karen Walter about what has happened to Tam Valley and the TVIC in the first seventy-five years of the TVIC (1921-1997)

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